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What's Next

WELCOME TO NORTH METRO! We are so glad that you have joined our family.

We want to encourage you to take the following next steps to ensure that you experience everything the Lord desires for you within your new church family. 

Step One – Identify with Christ and His Church

Baptism – If you are a new Christian your next step is baptism. You will receive a letter from the pastor with specific information about our baptism services. Any special requests must be submitted to the Senior Pastor’s office for prior approval. His administrative assistant, Cheryl Mahr can be reached at 770-995-9055 ext. 224.

• Learn more about what Scripture says about baptism and to schedule your baptism on the link below.

Baptism Information

New Member Introduction – It is our practice to introduce all new members to the church. It is not our desire to embarrass you or even put you on the spot. We love our new members and our congregation wants to meet you. After you have been counseled for church membership and been baptized, then come to one of the ministers during the closing invitation of any service and present the WHITE, “New Member Presentation Card”. This will let them know that you are ready to be presented to the church for membership.

Get Involved in a Life Group – Life Groups are where you’ll make new friends, build lasting relationships and grow in your relationship with Christ. It is where a large church can appear much smaller and individuals can connect. This is an extremely important aspect of our ministry. As a new member to our church, you are automatically enrolled in a group of your peers. Because there are several adult Life Groups for each peer group, you are more than welcome to visit others if desired and prayerfully seek the one Life Group that suits you best. Please contact Eric Eggers at 770-995-9055 ext. 238 if you would like assistance finding a class.

Find a Life Group

Step Two –  Assimilation, Service & Stewardship

Attend "Discover North Metro" – All new members are strongly encouraged to attend a Discover North Metro class. You will learn what makes our church unique, what it means to be a member, what we believe and our vision for the future. You will also have an opportunity to meet many of our ministerial staff. Click the button below for information and dates.

Discover North Metro Registration

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts – Scripture confirms that God gave gifts to Christians and He gave gifted Christians to the church (… for equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12)Therefore, it is important for each of us to know our spiritual gifts so that we can then use these to help our church function at its greatest potential. The link below will lead you to a brief spiritual gifts test that will help you discover where you are most likely going to find fulfillment and purpose as you serve the Lord through our church.

Spiritual Gifts Test

Volunteer to Serve – Once you have discovered your spiritual gifts, you are ready to find a place to plug in and begin serving in our fellowship. The link below will lead you to a list of all of the ways you can volunteer and make a difference in our church and community. Select a position(s) and press submit and you will soon receive a follow-up from the staff person responsible for that area.

Ready to Serve

Stewardship – We believe that God is owner of everything and that He has allowed us to be the managers or stewards of what He has provided us. We believe that tithing is the biblical starting point for every believer.It is privilege to worship God by obediently returning to Him a portion of what He has given to us.

Therefore, we want to make it convenient for you to give to the Lord through North Metro. You will receive via postal mail pre-printed offering envelopes each quarter. Also, we offer a safe and secure means to contribute online.

Online Giving

Three Areas of Giving to North Metro:

General Budget –

1. Provides buildings for worship and discipleship. The maintenance, upkeep and utilities for comfort.

2. Provides funds for the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program and our local Gwinnett Metro Baptist Association.

3. Provides for the cost of staff who oversee the church ministries and care of our facilities.

4. Provides funds for the ministries that our church offers. For example, children, students, young adults, women’s, music, etc.

World Missions –

1. These gifts are above the general budget tithes and offerings and make it possible for our members to go on mission trips and allow for local mission endeavors. Also, these gifts are used to help mission agencies throughout the state of Georgia, the United States, and literally around the world.

Mortgage Reduction Fund –

These gifts are above the general budget tithes and offerings and are used to help reduce the principal on our mortgage.

© 2025 North Metro Baptist Church   |   1026 Old Peachtree Road NE, Lawrenceville, GA US 30043